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New Columbus Police Unit Works To Protect Victims Of Domestic Violence
WBNS-10TV Report and Video Here. #warningsigns #domesticviolence #intimatepartnerviolence #lawenforcement

Why does everyone feel so sorry for men accused of being predators?
Playboy is excited about its Terry Richardson issue: 'The results are by turns sub-dappled, sassy, langurous and, most of all, revealing...

Saying that a killer ‘snapped’ is not an explanation for domestic violence
Cassidy Stay, center, is comforted after a funeral service last week for her parents and three siblings, who were shot to death allegedly...

Subway Worker Claims She Was Forced To Work While Vomiting
A Subway worker in Freeport, Texas, claims she was forced to continue working her shift while suffering from a stomach bug, then was...

Legendary Marine Maj. Zembiec, the ‘Lion of Fallujah,’ died in the service of the CIA
In the foyer of the Central Intelligence Agency’s headquarters, there is a marble wall covered in stars. They are carved divots that...

Dr. Tau Braun to join FEMA for NYC ICP Workshop in August
Dr. Tau Braun, Executive Director of the Violence Prevention Agency, will join a panel of experts at the 2014 FEMA Region II Individual...

Are womens' prisons in general much like Litchfield as portrayed in the show Orange is the New Black
Piper Chapman has a rough first few days in prison. Photo: (Jessica Miglio / Netflix) Created by Jenji Kohan of Weeds fame, the show is...
Tinder faces sexual harassment lawsuit by previous employee and cofounder Whitney Wolfe
By: Jenna Wortham Whitney Wolfe, a former executive at the popular dating start-up Tinder, has filed a lawsuit against the company, along...

New York's 'Cannibal Cop' freed after judge overturns conviction
By Michael Muskal, Tina Susman, Los Angeles Times A federal judge in New York has overturned the conviction of a former New York cop...

I Am Superior to Them All – Shooting in Santa Barbara
By Mike Roche Photo: Jae C. Hong/AP “Humanity has never accepted me among them, and now I know why. I am more than human. I am superior...
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